
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The (US) Citizens Health Care Working Group

It's nice to write about something positive, for a change.

The Citizens Health Care Working Group is up and running. This is a non-partisan effort to get broadly-based input on what has gone wrong with health care in the US, and how to fix it. Several reliable sources have assured me that this is an honest effort that is starting off with no particular axes to grind.

The group welcomes input. So if you have something you want to say to them, you can talk to them electronically using this link.

They are also setting up community meetings to get input in cities around the US. If you are interested in attending, look at this link.

This is an unprecedented opportunity to express your ideas about what's wrong with US health care, and how to fix it. Please consider taking advantage of it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the plug of our activities. We are deep into community meeting across the country and EVERYONE is welcome to these multimedia and participant-heavy-involvement encounters seeking direct input from the public on a matter of greatest importance to us all -- our health care system.
