
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Another unsolicited email from a physician describing EHR-caused chaos in the clinic

I periodically receive unsolicited stories of EHR difficulties (mayhem, really) as a result of clinicians or others locating my materials online, via web searches, social networking sites, or word of mouth.

Another unsolicited email from a physician describing EHR-caused chaos in the clinic, reposted with permission, is at my Health IT academic site at this link.

-- SS


  1. Common problem. There is not any organization interested in hearing of these disasters. Go suffer with HIT doctors. Roll over and suck it up cause Congress told you to do so.

  2. Anonymous September 20, 2012 7:22:00 PM EDT said...

    There is not any organization interested in hearing of these disasters.

    Yes, there is, if you consider the Plaintiff's Bar an "organization."

    The Defense side should also be interested,if they knew what was good for them in helping their clients avoid mistakes of the past, resulting in patient harm or death.

    Actually, since anyone, their parent, grandparent, child etc. could be harmed by this technology when done badly, those who ignore the downsides are, in my view, deluded, reckless and/or nihilistic.

    Their values are certainly not the values of modern medicine.

    -- SS

  3. I could not help but remember a piece a couple of years ago where a hospital took 10 years to develop its own EMR system. The very first order of business was that the IT people worked for the doctors.

    The IT folks followed the doctors around and built a system designed to fit their work flow. IT would then present and the doctors would accept or decline each section until they had a complete system that fit the hospital’s work flows and patient profiles.

    Since the doctors were part of the process there was little or no training involved.

    Again, this process took 10 years. This is a far cry from the plug and play; you now work for the IT guys’ mentality of most systems.

    Steve Lucas

  4. Steve Lucas wrote:

    This is a far cry from the plug and play

    I once wrote - on my Drexel site now - that in health IT, there is no such thing as "plug and play."

    -- SS
