
Monday, March 25, 2013

EHR Advertising Obscenity ... Is This An Emergency Department, or a Bar Mitzvah?

Regarding unregulated, unvetted information technology installed in acute care environments such as ED's, that slows physicians down and increases risk, this video is perhaps typical of the cavalier attitudes of hospital executives and IT hyper-enthusiasts.

I have personally observed potentially serious malfunctions involving allergy lists and med lists exhibited by particular system, in fact.

Click the image below to play the video.  Have nausea bag nearby:

Click on this image or here to see a charmingly disgusting song & dance.

ED's are all about dancing:

If you change your mind, I'm the first in line
Honey I'm still free
Take a chance on me

Note the (not so subliminal) message shown by the nurses and their dollar-sign glasses in the video ... higher billing ... more revenue:

Money, money, money - Must be funny - In the rich man's world ... I see dollar signs everywhere!!

Yes, ED's are just filled with fun and laughter and dancing while doctors and nurses toil with distracting EHRs ... to rake in more dough, which makes it all OK, right?

I note that ED's are places where people are regularly brought in with major traumas and in fact regularly die; they are the most serious of environments.

This video advertisement is absolutely tasteless on its face.


I've downloaded a copy of this video, in case it disappears off YouTube.  Such things are known to happen in the health IT world.

-- SS

3/27/13 Addendum:

For similar tastelessness direct from HHS, see my May 2012 post "ONC's 'Health Data Palooza' - A Title of Exceptionally Bad Taste."


  1. It is a bad joke. A very, very bad joke. I use 'joke' not in the sense of "humor", though.

    I wonder who paid for it.

    -- SS

  2. Bernard Carroll said...

    I think the term is crass.

    Deranged, demented, perverse also come to mind.

  3. The only thing worse than that cretinoid video is the thought of just who is it's intended audience.
    Hospital administrators with purchasing power perhaps?

  4. Anonymous said...

    The only thing worse than that cretinoid video is the thought of just who is it's intended audience. Hospital administrators with purchasing power perhaps?

    Yes, of course, of other hospitals researching acquisition of an ED EHR.

    -- SS

  5. Afraid said...

    Oh my, how ill advised.

    Why? It's in the same spirit as HHS's "EHR Datapalooza!!!"

    -- SS
