Danielle Ofri, a prominent internist/author at Bellevue in New York, started a recent op-ed piece, “Last week I was ready to quit medicine."
She described an encounter most physicians can relate to—a
15-minute appointment slot, a new patient who spoke only Bengali, a long and
complicated problem list, a bag containing 18 different medicines, two forms
that had to be filled out by the doctor on this day’s visit, and a computer
that froze while she was trying to keep up with the electronic charting. She
described how, 45 minutes into the supposedly 15-minute visit, she had a phone
in one ear with the Bengali translator and tech support on hold in the other
Ofri’s plaint caught my attention because I had recently put
up a guest post on Health Care Renewal about another highly skilled, caring physician who was
seriously considering quitting practice. This led me to write a column for some of our
local newspapers about demoralized doctors
In the space allowed in an op-ed column, you can’t go into
great depth in analyzing a complicated situation. So here’s what I would have
wanted to say.
We can list all the management failures that this encounter
represents. I won’t even start with the electronic record as that’s such a
frequent theme in this blog. Who scheduled such a patient for a 15-minute
visit? Where is the pharmacist who could have done a better job of going
through all the lady’s medicines? Where is the staffer who could have filled
out the forms for Dr. Ofri to sign? This is just to scratch the surface.
There are two things worrisome about this long list of
management failures. If the goal of the health care system is actually to take
good care of patients, then it seems obvious that Dr. Ofri, who wanted to try
to provide high-quality care, had roadblock after roadblock thrown in her way.
Cynics will protest that this system obviously has no
interest in quality patient care and seeks only to maximize revenue. If that’s
so, is it really true that a board-certified MD is the most efficient labor
source for keyboarding data into a computer, filling out paper forms, and doing
all the other busy-work tasks that Dr. Ofri had to juggle? Can anyone really
believe that this management structure supports either quality care or
efficient resource use?
So we appear to have a system that is slowly (in some cases
rapidly) driving the best doctors out of practice, and yet somehow imagines
that everything is going all right and there’s no problem—or if there’s a
problem, it’s those whining doctors.
All us medical educators know that when we ask the
first-year class how may of them have been told by practicing physicians that
they’re making a big mistake coming to medical school, the majority will raise
their hands. Yet the managers of America’s health systems apparently
believe that they can go on demoralizing good practitioners and nothing bad
will happen.
This may sound as if I am saying that health care managers
are all evil people, but that’s an unfair characterization. These folks are
simply trying to do what our society tells them. As I explained some time ago, most of our popular and political discourse
has been captured by a belief system that can be variously called
neoliberalism, market fundamentalism, or economism. The ideology can be
summarized as a quasi-religious faith in the so-called “free market,” steadfast
opposition to government regulation of the market, and opposition to just about
any form of taxes (for more on the nature of economism, look here.)
Among other things, this ideology teaches us that everything important in our society can be accurately captured in objective measures of “productivity” and “efficiency.” [This is akin to the "shareholder value" theory of management (look here), or "financialization." - Ed] Once one has mastered the basic concepts taught in MBA school, there’s no need to learn anything about health care and what makes it a unique activity; there’s no basic difference between providing health care and flipping burgers at McDonalds or making widgets. [We have called this generic management. - Ed.]. And so we get the crazy style of management well documented on this blog, not because of personal nastiness or ill will, but due to the ideological Kool-Aid everyone has been drinking for several decades now.
Today’s physicians seem to be like
the proverbial frog being boiled in the pot of water because the heat was
turned up so gradually the frog never figured out it needed to jump. [That is, they are suffering from "learned helplessness." - Ed] Dr. Ofri
herself seems to represent a typical frog. Why? Perhaps it’s the style of the
blog or op-ed writer to start off with a downer and then try to end on an
upbeat note. Or perhaps it’s the natural physician’s tendency to stay away from
policy questions. I’m not sure.
After starting us off with this
hard-hitting description of a dysfunctional system, Dr. Ofri ends by opining
that things are going to be better in the future because more women are
entering medicine and because today’s medical students are more tech savvy. She
gives herself credit for managing to forge a bond with the patient because they
sat together and faced this adversity. She cites an upbeat study, “when
asked what was the most satisfying aspect of medical practice, the number one
answer was relationships with patients. This is what keeps us going on even the
most trying of days.”
Dr Howard Brody
Timely is the July 29, 2013 print edition article starting on page A1 titled More Doctors Steer Clear of Medicare by Melinda Beck. The article highlights the increasing number of doctors who are either not accepting Medicare, limiting new Medicare patients, or not accepting new Medicare patients.
The reason for this run the range from reimbursement to privacy, doctors are finding that without the paper work they can charge their old rates making out of pocket a viable option for many patients. Privacy issues were highlighted by an OB/GYN wondering why a dermatologist was seeing records about her patient’s libido problems.
The ACA was listed as some doctors are worried about their waiting rooms being flooded with patients with new insurance.
Many doctors are just finding it easier to finish out their careers using the old tried and true, accepting cash, and just avoiding the whole health care mess that we have created in this country.
Steve Lucas
Physicians heal thy profession.
Great essay, but I wish to add this:
And so we get the crazy style of management well documented on this blog, not because of personal nastiness or ill will, but due to the ideological Kool-Aid everyone has been drinking for several decades now.
I have personally observed malignant narcissists who did have ill will towards those who actually knew how to implement good health IT, and incompetent leaders who recklessly ignored the advice of those with far more domain experience than themselves.
This continues today such as here where imperial management ignores pleas of hundreds of nurses about impairments to care, and one manager went so far as to threaten to plaster notices of patient dangers to the complainant's foreheads (per a court).
Colleagues have noted similar issues in their own facilities.
While not universal, there is, in fact, a significant amount of personal nastiness (that may be in fact DSM-diagnosible), ill will, incompetence, recklessness, and other pathologies alive and well in hospital management.
The solution will require clinicians taking control and having hiring and firing authority or major influence over non-clinician managers.
As in the nurse's case cited above, that probably means labor unions and the discord that led to the end of sweatshops and disasters such as the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City on March 25, 1911.
-- SS
Ooops! That article appears on the front page of the Wall Street Journal. Amazing how the eyes can see and the brain can process something that is not there.
Steve Lucas
The same thing has happened in higher education with a proliferation of high-paid administrators that simply didn't exist before.
Somehow we can "afford" these people, but we can't possibly afford enough nurses, enough aides in nursing homes, or enough clerical help.
It's absolutely crazy.
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